Join us online as we celebrate National Pollinator Week 2020, hosted by Pollinator Partnership. Learn about all kinds of pollinators, the plants they pollinate, and how you can get involved.
Each event will be accompanied by a downloadable resource to keep the fun and learning going! Follow our social media platforms for more information or email us at [email protected]. Check out for more Pollinator Week events! |
Sunday June 28th: Wildflower Update!
For the last day of National Pollinator Week, we're sharing some of the wildflowers blooming along our trails right now! These species descriptions will give you some identification tips and also what kinds of pollinators they attract. Keep your eyes out for some of these flowers next time you're hiking!
Saturday June 27th: Pollination Fun Facts
Today we're sharing some Pollinator Fun Facts! If you follow us on Instagram (@galenacreek) you can take the interactive quiz in our story. If not, check out these fun facts about pollinators, plants, and pollination!
Our downloadable resource today is a butterfly coloring sheet! |
Friday June 26th: Wildlife Friendly Gardening
We're excited to share a recorded zoom discussion on Wildlife Friendly Gardening with some local experts. In this video we talk about the importance of pollinator-friendly and wildlife-friendly gardening (spoiler- they're the same thing), how to plan and plant a garden, and how to maintain a garden.
To get your kids involved, check out these fun kids games and crafts! |
Thursday June 25th: Native Bees of Northern Nevada
Another important pollinator is bees! There are 4,000 species of native bees in the United States (via Center for Biological Diversity) and over 1,000 of them can be found in Nevada (via Nevada Department of Agriculture). The Honeybee is not one of these species, as it is native to Europe. Get acquainted with some of the groups of native bees that may be buzzing through your backyard, local park, or favorite trail!
Wednesday June 24th: Butterflies of the Great Basin
For Day 3 of Pollinator Week we're talking about Butterflies! Butterflies are very important pollinators, using their long proboscis to collect nectar and pollen from lots of different flowers. They also rely on native plants as host plants to feed and shelter their larvae, caterpillars. Here are nine common butterflies in the Great Basin, along with some tips for identifying them and what plants they lay their eggs on.
Tuesday June 23rd: Surprising Pollinators
There's more than just birds and butterflies pollinating flowers! Many plants rely on animals like moths, bats, and hummingbirds for pollination. On islands, where the diversity of species is often limited, some flowers and animals have evolved very specific pollination relationships.
Monday June 22nd: Pollinator Garden Tour

Our wonderful and knowledgeable volunteer Emma walks you through the history of our pollinator gardens, what plants we have in it, and some tips for creating your own pollinator garden!